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5 ways to fill your time

Morning Routine For College Student (be productive)

OK I'm a student and we students all know how annoying it can be to have a great day and bet energized and all that stuff. But Guess what?
I got it, I made the perfect morning routine for all my fellow college students.

1- Having a good night sleep

This is ESSENTIAL. if you want to get that great morning you got to sleep at least 6 hours. I will tell you my experience with it. I used to sleep at 3 AM can you even believe that? and if you are facing the same problem then take my advice, turn off all technology or keep it out of your bedroom and before you sleep read a book or write down things in your mind because sometimes those things keep you awake so I do recommend you writing things down. avoid coffee at night like seriously don't do it. either turn all light off or turn on soft yellow light.

2- Make your bed when you wake up

I have mentioned this step in another blog post if you want to check it out click right here.
but the main purpose of this is that you're going to feel like you have accomplished something in the beginning of the day, so you can go forward and do other things with energy.

3- Breakfast

No matter what you think about breakfast it is the most important meal of the day, just go ask any doctor in the world. Now breakfast should contain a good amount of protein so one egg fried or boiled is perfect. And it's worth mentioning that fruits are really good and healthy if you want to start a fresh day, so I thinks it's worth preparing a fruit salad the night before, and all you need to do is just open your fridge and voila it's right there.

4- Studying in the morning

OK I assume you had your breakfast at this stage but now grab a cup of coffee and be ready to study in the morning, you can hate on studying in the morning as much as you can but it's literally the best and the most efficient way of studying, because you have just woken up fresh and the brain's energized and ready for the day. quick tip : if you have a heavy lunch or dinner don't study because the body will become tired more quickly.

thanks so much for reading and if you want more checkout our other posts and make sure to follow us on Instagram 


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