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5 ways to fill your time

Morning Routine For Healthy And Happy Day

Hi again and HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY, I wanted to start the new year with something that all people can enjoy and do so here's A Daily Routine For Being Happy,enjoy.

First: you should know that the most important thing for making your day bright and happy is what you think the night before, before you go to bed, you need to think positive and think happy thoughts before sleeping. for Example:
  • think about what you're grateful about.
  • think about how you want the next day to be.
  • listen to some motivation video on YouTube there are tons of bedtime videos (recommended)
  • write on a piece of paper you're dreams and ambitions and read them to get that happy vibe before bed.
Second: Knowing this day is will be a brilliant day , just believe it in your heart and think about it.
Try to listen to a motivational video on YouTube just like you did last night , believe me listening to these videos really gives you the energy you desire every day.

Third: After listening to the videos , you need to get ready right?

  • Listening to the music you love will boost your mind and mood. It will automatically change your day.
  • Get ready as you are going to a feast or somewhere you really like ,And you’re so excited and hyped about it.
  • Get you’re body soaked with that perfume you like so much.
  • Wear clothes that you look so good in and people will be like:  "WOW".
Fourth: This step you're going to do right before you leave your apartment\house\room.
  • stand in front of the mirror and say: (I'm wonderful, I'm powerful, I'm successful , I'm Brilliant....etc), now the trick for this to give you that energy is to SPEAK IT like I said before in my other blog  " speaking gives you a lot of energy more than you expect." if you want to check out that blog click here
Fifth: Now after you go out just smile even if people don't smile back, at least you have happiness in your heart and they don't and it suck for them , they will wish they were you. 

And remember that life is short and don't waste time being sad and depressed ,live and enjoy your life with sweet and bitter times.

I really hope you have enjoyed today's blog and if you did 
subscribe to get notified every time I blog and Happy New Year.
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