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5 ways to fill your time

Habits That will help YOU stay productive and energized

Well look who's back.......Me

Hey guys and welcome back, it's been a while or like three months.
but hey we are back and on again. Let's get straight to the topic shall we.

OK OK , I know this is old but I don't mean the classic meals (breakfast , lunch and dinner) it's about the meals and snacks in between and you shouldn't ignore the rest, eat fruits and chocolate and things you like, it is very bad to make yourself hungry.

I advise you to eat a lot of food for breakfast and lunch but very light food for dinner, your body can't really process the food at night because you're not as active as you are in the morning, so keep it as simple as a sandwich or an apple.

fun fact: bad dinners causes nightmares

2- Making your bed:
No I'm not kidding , making your bed actually makes you feel more productive throughout your day.

Take it like this : you wake up and have a bunch of stuff and paperwork to do and what do you do? make your bed, this will let your mind be more active because you actually did somethings (making your bed) which will make automatically ready for the day.
PS: cleaning your house would be better, therefore it's a clean environment .

3-Daily, weekly or monthly schedule:
Having plans and schedules helps you keep yourself aware of the next step, so it's not a complete surprise and you have to do it as fast as you can.
On your calendar or notebook just write down your list of what to do or "to do list".
 this will make you ready for your day/week/month and so you don't have to overwork yourself.
Which brings us to the next tip.

4-Not overpowering yourself:
you're a human not a robot , when you feel like you need a rest just do it, you cannot stay productive if you are tired and stressed out.

Have a cup of coffee or tea whatever you're into, take a nap or go to bed and complete you're work tomorrow, life isn't about work all the time.

go hiking or to a coffee shop with your friends.

5-Change your life:
If you don't like what you're doing for living just don't do it anymore, I like blogging and I'm happy with my life now, I'm in university and I LOVE my specialization which is Law by the way.

You don't have to do it if you don't love it because believe me you will fail over and over.

there you go.
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