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5 ways to fill your time

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Morning Routine For College Student (be productive)

OK I'm a student and we students all know how annoying it can be to have a great day and bet energized and all that stuff. But Guess what? I got it, I made the perfect morning routine for all my fellow college students. 1- Having a good night sleep This is ESSENTIAL. if you want to get that great morning you got to sleep at least 6 hours. I will tell you my experience with it. I used to sleep at 3 AM can you even believe that? and if you are facing the same problem then take my advice, turn off all technology or keep it out of your bedroom and before you sleep read a book or write down things in your mind because sometimes those things keep you awake so I do recommend you writing things down. avoid coffee at night like seriously don't do it. either turn all light off or turn on soft yellow light. 2- Make your bed when you wake up I have mentioned this step in another blog post if you want to check it out click right here . but the main purpose of this is t...

Habits That will help YOU stay productive and energized

Well look who's back.......Me Hey guys and welcome back, it's been a while or like three months. but hey we are back and on again. Let's get straight to the topic shall we. 1-Meals: OK OK , I know this is old but I don't mean the classic meals (breakfast , lunch and dinner) it's about the meals and snacks in between and you shouldn't ignore the rest, eat fruits and chocolate and things you like, it is very bad to make yourself hungry. I advise you to eat a lot of food for breakfast and lunch but very light food for dinner, your body can't really process the food at night because you're not as active as you are in the morning, so keep it as simple as a sandwich or an apple. fun fact: bad dinners causes nightmares 2- Making your bed: No I'm not kidding , making your bed actually makes you feel more productive throughout your day. Take it like this : you wake up and have a bunch of stuff and paperwork to do and what do you do? make yo...

Books You need to read today (Top 5)

Hello and Welcome Back , it's been a three months or so But anyway I'm back and Stronger than ever. and Today I'm going to give the books you need in your life, these books were like friends to me in the time I needed them most 5 - This Book is Brand new by none other than Oprah Winfrey The Path Made Clear this Book is Inspiring and enthusiastic in many different ways, it's about some people experience and how they found their way in their life by doing what they love. NO spoilers in Today's Blog , read the book and you will discover everything you want. 4-  If you're going to buy any book from this post you need to buy this one Inferno by Dan Brown , OK I know this book doesn't need recommendation  and it's already famous . This Blog isn't a promo so I'm not getting paid most of  these books are famous but I would recommend reading them , if you haven't already did. I won't say anything about Inferno. 3- I ...

What to study in College? I got your back

Welcome back I know it's been a while like two weeks but I had exams and thankfully I passed them all, anyway today's blog is for students who graduated high school and they are about to enter college, I'm going to tell you how to choose what is best for you.  let's get right into it. 1- Now what do you see yourself in? Law, art, medicine, etc. whatever you see yourself in put it into account, and it doesn't matter if you see yourself in multiple places, write it all down on a piece of paper because you're going to compare them. 2- After choosing what you see yourself in, it's time to look up the possibilities for you getting a job and being able to live after graduation. To be honest, you need to choose something that will give you income so look up the chances of you getting employed after college, and don't forget to throw all this in the garbage, because universities teach us not just materials but also many transferable skills to can be appl...

How to protect your positive energy (best tips)

Are there some annoying people who are sucking that positive energy out of you?, well these Tips will help you protect yourself from them ,plus they will help you make a shield around yourself, so stay tuned. One: be around positive people who always give and take those good vibes, being with depressed and negative people will put you down and those bad vibes will come more and more. So find people who always cheer you up and make you happy. Here's a fun bonus tip subscribe and I promise to always give Happy Vibes click the subscribe button. Two: when you are unwillingly with negative people then here's good tip, focus on everything except their conversation but give them a look that you are listening to them and say: (yeah) every once in a while but you're totally disconnected with them. Three: I have said this previous blogs and I say it again , have your own power words to change your mood and if you want to check that blog out click here Four: imagine that y...

Hope Quotes That Will Boost Your Mood

Welcome back. everyone needs to boost their mood right ?and one of the ways to do that is by reading quotes written by great people, and admit it you read quotes and I read quotes, we all read quotes. So here are 5 hope quotes that will boost your mood. I - Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games II-Every great wizard in history has started as nothing more as we are now- students, if they can do it why not us ?. J.K Rowling. Harry Potter  III- Everything that is done in this world is done by hope. Martin Luther IV-There is some good is this world, and it's worth fighting for  . J.R.R Tolkien. The Lord Of The Rings V- The world is full of wonderful things you haven't seen yet. Don't ever give up on the chance of seeing them. J.K Rowling. SOOO I hope those quotes really changed your mood because they changed mine, I'll see you soon  WAIT. please follow me on Instagram and Twitter . and...